Vaccine Hesitancy and its Adverse Sequelae
Thomas Britt, MD, MPH, ACSM-CEP

Vaccine mistrust, hesitancy and reluctance in the midst of a global pandemic, with 42 million Americans testing positive and 676,000 American lives lost since its inception … should compel immediate, and reasonable reviews of the scientific facts. You should gainfully seek advice from scientists, physicians, public health practitioners, CDC, FDA and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Clergy, policy-makers, and community leaders with an affinity for the actual facts should also be consulted.
Herein are recent facts:
180.5 million Americans have been fully vaccinated (approximately 54% of US population which is quite distal from desired Herd Immunity of > 70 – 90%)
6207 cases of deaths (0.0018% of doses) between Dec 2020 – July 2021were reported to the
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Service (VAERS) and reviewed by the FDA and CDC. They found that 3 deaths were linked to rare occurrence of blood clots occurring post Johnson & Johnson vaccination. It should be noted that blood clots can be effectively treated with anticoagulants. Analysis of the remaining cases revealed no evidence that CoViD vaccinations causes death. The statement that these vaccines are safe and effective, continues to hold true.
For comparison … CoViD vaccinations are safer than NSAIDs and Aspirins
– Mortality rate of NSAIDs/Aspirin is 15.3/100,000 (NIH)
– Mortality rate due to CoViD vaccination is infinitesimal
The greatest incidence, prevalence, morbidity and mortality for CoViD are omnipresent in the unvaccinated populations, mostly occurring in those residing in and governed in the so-called red-states. We now have a pandemic of the unvaccinated. More importantly, their subsequent deaths are excess or preventable. The NIH (24 Aug 2021) reported that vaccines may have prevented nearly 140,000 CoViD deaths.
There is no scientific evidence that vaccinations adversely impact pregnancy or fertility in men or women. (CDC)
CoViD hospitalizations has drastically decreased all other emergent or non-emergent hospitalizations. Some Emergency Rooms are redirecting ambulances; others are asking the ambulances or individuals in their private vehicles, to wait outside the hospital until a bed occupied by a CoViD patient is made available. This growing scarcity of available beds occurs primarily in areas of decreased vaccinations and commensurate increased infections.
Adverse Sequelae, post-CoViD-19 Infection (CDC)
– Shortness of Breath Menstrual Irregularities
– Fatigue Palpitations
– Decreased Cognition Joint and Muscle Pain
– Cough Diarrhea
– Headaches Sleep Disorders
– Mood changes Light-headiness
– Altered Taste & Smell
Treatment … The FDA has approved Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody as a post-exposure prophylaxis for CoViD in individuals at high risk to progress to severe disease. Treatment should be given within 10 days after testing positive for CoViD.
Protection … Our best protection against acquiring this deadly disease or any of its adverse conditions, is to get vaccinated … vaccines are safe, effective, available, readily accessible and free. Protect yourself, loved ones, associates and our community/nation. Please do not continue to compromise the quantity and quality of your life with outright lies and misinformation.
Recall, “an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.”